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Writer's pictureLynda M. Brennan, LMHC

What is EMDR?

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

It is a therapeutic model used to treat trauma, phobias, addictions, and most other mental health issues. The longer it is around, the more applications are found for its use. The letters EMDR stand for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It was originally developed using eye movements, with the therapist sitting in front of you moving their hand back-and-forth in front of your face. Now many of us use other equipment to get the same effect. The equipment I use provides a beep in a set of headphones that goes right to left and along with handheld tappers which provide a mild vibration right to left. The goal is to stimulate one side of the body then the other thus stimulating one side of the brain then the other. The end result is a desensitizing of the focused-upon trauma (meaning you can recall the same incident but without an emotional response to it) and usually having a different, more empowered view of that moment. This is my oversimplified explanation as I have many other steps I perform along the way with EMDR.

I am also trained in RTP, which is EMDR for Recent Traumatic Protocol or traumatic experiences within the past 3 months. It is a little different from regular EMDR but just as effective.

Another question I get about EMDR is, will it be painful? Yes, it will usually be briefly emotionally painful. This is a memory that you have usually been carrying around for a long time, it has been painful for many years. We need to focus on the painful memory to desensitize it. Frequently the pain lasts less than an hour. And then it is gone forever.

I have helped many others who have horrific experiences in their past. They find a new way to view and relate to their traumas. I have helped victims of childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence survivors, first responders with PTSD, reduced cravings for addictions including nicotine, reduced anxiety and phobias, to name a few. I have seen this type of therapy change peoples lives.

I start with an evaluation, followed by resourcing which stabilizes the client to begin processing their traumas. There are many steps to EMDR, which help to create a feeling of safety, which helps to facilitate a trusting of the process to revisit amd desensitize the traumas.

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