Taking self care to the next level.
When most people think of self care, the first thing they think of is rest, exercise, nutrition, hydrate, etc. And I like to think of these as the basics. If you don't have these you can't move onto the next level of self care or 2.0. You may be someone who is satisfied with the basics, great, but for those who want to go beyond this blog is for you.
Self Care and beyond
Self care isn't just rest, exercise, nutrition, hydrate etc., those are just the beginning.
First master the basics in self care. They will be your foundation, your stabilizing factor, without these your life will become unmanageable. This next level consists of play, creativity, spirituality, service to society, and things that bring you joy (friends, entertainment, nature, love, and on and on). These are the actions which soothe your soul and light you up. Necessary only if you want to live your best life.
We are living in a time where industry is valued above all else. We don't tell adults they did a good job napping today. We reward them when they work too many hours. Now I'm not telling you to not work or reduce work. I am saying our society is a little unbalanced with the emphasis on "doing." Take time to just be in nature. Sit on a park bench and watch the birds for a 15 minutes. Watch a child play. Play is spontaneous and joyful. Without it we become dull adults. Take time to explore your spirituality. Church or synagogue or temple not your thing? Find your thing. Find a place where you feel connected. Maybe one of the hundreds of 12-Step meetings. Or volunteer at a local animal shelter (again, not your thing then find your thing.) Be grateful. Even if it is only for eyes or feet or house or dog. What we focus on grows, focus on gratitude and it will grow. And finally be in love. Be in love with your life. Be in love with your spouse or partner. Be in love! Love truly does make the world go round.